The Silver Galah is an Uncommon magical item which does not require attunement. It is a statuette small enough to fit in a pocket; as an action the user can speak the command word and throw the figurine, which will become a living creature as long as it lands in an unoccupied space. The creature is friendly to the user and their companions and will follow commands; if given no commands it will defend itself but take no other actions.
The Silver Galah can become a real galah for up to twelve hours. Once used, it cannot be used again for two days. While in raven form, it can be used to cast Animal Messenger at will.
A Silver Galah is taken from the Chunky Bloke Pie Mine safe by the party, and later carried by McKenzie. She calls it "Fuckface".
External Links[]
- Figurine of Wondrous Power (Silver Raven) at D&D Beyond