Manmus are an artificially-formed creature in Fantasy Australia. They are therefore unique to this area.
They are formed from the fusion of rudebirds and humans, specifically sleepingbaggers. They are formed something like a centaur, only with the body and legs of a rudebird attached to the torso, head and arms of a sleepingbagger.
Manmus appear to retain some level of sapience, as they are able to form words and short phrases, but it is unclear whether they have the full intelligence that they had during life.
The human part of the manmu is capable of attacking using basic weapons (such as knives or daggers) or natural weapons such as teeth. The rudebird part is capable of attacking with its powerful slashing claws. Despite being joined, both parts have relatively separate systems, and even if one half is significantly injured the other can continue to function but may be unable to move.