High Elves, generally known as Spiffos, are an uncommon people in Fantasy Australia. The founding High Elf families emigrated from the northern hemisphere, including Greyhawk, but many stayed because they considered it easy to build power and influence in what they considered an uncivilized country.
High Elves are tall, slender and attractive humanoids of Medium size, with appealing looks and long ears. Pale skin is common. They have less body hair, and none are capable of growing beards, leaving many of them with an androgynous look that other races consider feminine. High Elves value intellectual pursuits, which has been known to lead to superiority complexes which drive wedges between local Fantasy Australia residents and High Elves who still keep to quite separate, insular communities.
Their royal family is the Blanchett Family and they are most common around Vagrants' Bay on the east coast.
High Elves are considered by other races to frequently complain about issues including but not limited to the weather, the uncouth nature of other Fantasy Australia residents, insects, cold beer, and larrikinism.
Nicknames for High Elves include spiffos, boffins, twinkletoes, and shitheads. Regardless of gender, they are often called "Sheilas" by other races who consider them all to be effeminate. High Elves outside of their enclaves are frequently subjected to verbal heckling, nuisance behaviour, or even the throwing of small objects.
Known Individuals[]
As McKenzie is a high elf, they have appeared in every episode.